Temtem Patch 1.4 Arrives Alongside Inaugural Pride Event

Published: June 19, 2023 8:32 AM /


A Temtem player jumping for joy next to a Pride-themed flag banner

Temtem patch 1.4 is upon us, bringing a whole new season full of changes to the game's PvP content. In addition, the creature-taming RPG is also enjoying its first ever Pride event, during which you can earn all kinds of LGBTQ+-themed items and customization options.

Over on the official Temtem website, Crema provides a breakdown of everything you can expect from this new season. Following on from Season 3's extra challenges and content, Crema says that Season 4 will be "mostly focused on the competitive aspects" of Temtem, with the upcoming Season 5 focusing on PvE stuff.

First, though, the Pride event is underway, giving you the chance to earn items like a Pride-themed coat, a glitzy rainbow holo, and lots of player banners featuring various different Pride flags. All of the Pride-themed items can be obtained through in-game currency, and they're live until July 10th, so be sure to pick them up before then if you want to rep your flag or show support as an ally.

The player relaxing on a floatie in Temtem patch 1.4
Temtem patch 1.4 is, according to Crema, all about "pool parties, beach sunsets, chill activities and summer fun".

So, what's new on Temtem's competitive front? First off, there's a new auto-recommendation system for Showdown, which is designed to ease players into the game's ranked mode. Each Temtem will have two pre-defined builds that should help you make a decision, but you can also customize it yourself if you want to.

The Dojo Wars system has also been reworked following the "prickly" reception from the Temtem community. Dojo Wars are now monthly rather than weekly, and the signup period is a week rather than a single day. Finals now require 9 players rather than 11, and you'll get individual rewards if you achieve victory in a Dojo Wars match now too.

In-game tournaments are also getting some changes. Instead of requiring 32 players, they'll now need only 16, and you'll get Kudo for signing up to the tournament, even if it's canceled due to lack of players. This new Temtem update also includes various quality-of-life changes, including a battle camera option, a visual indicator for overexertion, and more.

The new Temtem update is available right now, as are the Pride-themed items you can grab. As well as this update, Crema is also teasing an "extra new thing" that the studio has never done before, and it's something the devs are "very excited and nervous about" that will supposedly increase Temtem's longevity and userbase. Whatever it is, it's due to land next week, so stay tuned for more info about that.

On July 26th, 2023 - We removed our comments with a shift to a new ad platform. We're still assessing our next steps, but please join us on Discord for any comments, tips, or communication with our team!!

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Humble Bundle
Release Date
January 21, 2020 (Calendar)
MMO, RPG, Adventure
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