Rutledge Daugette

Rutledge Daugette

CEO and Founder

Joined TechRaptor: March 2013

About Rutledge Daugette

Rutledge Daugette is the CEO & Founder of TechRaptor, a lifelong gamer who has a deep passion for the industry and the incredible games that it produces. A Technical Account Manager in IT by day, his passion for gaming originally led him to get a degree in Game Programming, which he still dabbles in here and there.

Rutledge started TechRaptor in March of 2013 as a fun side project, and over 9 years later it's grown immensely in both the Gaming and Tabletop industries. Rutledge's day-to-day is focused on business development, user experience improvements, ongoing development, and staffing. With a passion for SEO and writing guides, Rutledge currently runs the guide section of the site – doing both writing and editing of them. His favorite content is guides content due to the satisfaction that comes from publishing them to help others, while also having to really deep dive to find solutions and details that are critical to a well-crafted guide.

Rutledge’s core passions lie in team and process development that makes the team’s lives easier when it comes to the work that TechRaptor does. He’s also a large advocate of mental health, and America’s National Parks. 

If he’s not working on the site, you’ll find him playing Battle Royale games, hiking anywhere that has mountains, or spending time with his wife and two dogs. 

Articles by Rutledge Daugette

Total Articles: 401

Defiance MMO Key Art

Defiance Review: Ark Hunting is fun!

Defiance was an amazing MMOFPS that followed the story of a TV show, and in turn, influenced the story of the same TV show.

May 10, 2013 | 09:00 EDT

CISPA dies in the Senate

May 8, 2013 | 09:00 EDT

Adobe taken off Ninite installer

May 3, 2013 | 09:00 EDT

Do you back up your data regularly?

April 26, 2013 | 11:10 EDT

photo showing a man sat looking at a computer screen with a hand thoughtfully on his chin.

7 Ways to Decrease Computer Boot Time

If you want to Decrease Computer Boot Time on your rig, then you can follow these simple steps to get your computer moving much quicker than ever before.

April 24, 2013 | 11:19 EDT

Image of a pixel art worker asleep at his computer

How to: have your computer shut down at a certain time

Forget to shut down your machine regularly? Here's how to automatically shut down your PC or Mac on a schedule!

April 19, 2013 | 09:00 EDT

Image of a pixel art worker asleep at his computer

How to: have your computer start up at a certain time

Looking to schedule your PC's startup? Here's how to do it on both PC and Mac computers!

April 10, 2013 | 10:58 EDT


Spring cleaning for your PC

April 3, 2013 | 10:35 EDT


Computer Pranks for April Fool's Day 2013

April 1, 2013 | 10:19 EDT

Image of Adobe Logo on a Red background

Adobe Printing Error: "%%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%% Cambria not found, using Courier. "

Getting the "Cambria not found, using Courier." error in Adobe? We've got the quick, and easy, fix for you right here!

August 31, 2012 | 10:23 EDT

Printer on Fire Clipart

Printing Issue: Windows says print spooler is not running

Getting the "please restart spooler" error? We've got a super quick guide on how to fix this for yourself or another user!

May 29, 2012 | 03:55 EDT