EGX Rezzed 2016 - SpecialEffect Charity Interview With Mark Saville

EGX Rezzed 2016 - SpecialEffect Charity Interview With Mark Saville

Published: April 12, 2016 1:00 PM /


SpecialEffect Cover

During our time at EGX Rezzed, myself and Alex Baldwin met with Mark Saville, who is a member of an awesome charity, a charity which makes games available again for all of those who have physical disabilities. SpecialEffect's mission is to help people with all types of needs, whether it be those who have suffered strokes, have been in car accidents, suffer from other mobility-limiting conditions and even injured soldiers returning home.

They primarily focus on helping said people enjoy playing video games, to use other leisure based technology and even to assist in communication with others.
How do they go about doing this? Well SpecialEffect visits each person they help, in order to make sure they know what they want to play and just how exactly they will be able to play it. Through that they can match up, modify, or even create specialized equipment so that these people may once enjoy in their favorite pastime or take their first adventures into the world of gaming.

An example of what SpecialEffect have done was playable at EGX Rezzed. What you can see below is two lads playing Rocket League with their chin! (Thanks to these two for allowing me to take these pictures, whoever they are!)

Rocket League Chin

Two teens playing Rocket League with their chin

But how about that interview? Well here it is:

Quick Take

As someone who is gaming every single day, I tend to forget it how easy and accessible it really is, but speaking to the people over at SpecialEffect made me realize that it's something I most defiantly take for granted. I couldn't imagine a world where I wouldn't be able to partake in what has to be one of the most fun and special activities I have the pleasure of doing, but there are those who are not able to socialize and bond over gaming, and that really is a shame. 

I am very glad I was able to meet the team at Special Effect and now that I have, I shall be keeping a close eye on them and hoping for the best.

On July 26th, 2023 - We removed our comments with a shift to a new ad platform. We're still assessing our next steps, but please join us on Discord for any comments, tips, or communication with our team!!